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How Triond Changed Me

Tuesday, December 20, 2011 , Posted by Yvhes P. at 2:32 AM

Triond changed my outlook in life big time. It has made me aim for more and dream bigger. I have never been this eager with anything, until Triond came in my life.

I am married to a man who is so in love with his career.  Sometimes, I would even get jealous and insecure with the idea of him spending most of his time with his work, but it is the way it is. I just realized one day that I am already used to it. At this stage, I just go with the flow and believe that he is just working really hard for our children. He just wants to give me and our children good future and to be able to provide not just what we need but things that we want too.

I must admit though that he is a good father to our two kids. As much as possible he wants them to live a happy and comfortable life. I thank him for that because we both believe that our children’s welfare should be above anything else. Our two kids are our main priority at this point in our young married life.

As a plain housewife who takes care of our two young boys everyday I must admit there were times I felt exhausted and miserable. There were instances when I just wanted to scream and disappear for a second. Those were just some of my bad days I guess. Days when your kids were fighting over some petty things and shouting with each other until all of a sudden either or both would cry really loud and would seek for your attention. Whenever things like this happen I really felt sad and hopeless.

There were days I would just stare nowhere thinking of what really I want in life. Asking myself questions like am I really happy with my life? Is this the kind of life God has planned for me? Am I destined to be just a plain housewife? Until one day, I realized being a wife to my husband and a mother to my kids is priceless. I work hard seven days a week with no vacation or overtime pay. I am not asking anything in return from my family just to see them happy and safe are enough for me. No amount of salary can surpass a mother’s dedication and genuine love for her family.

I must say I was already happy and satisfied with my life not until Triond was introduced to me. Initially, I was not really interested with the idea of writing for Triond. I thought I was too busy as a mom so why would I waste time writing articles and reading other’s articles. One afternoon, when my eldest was in school and my youngest was sleeping soundly I sat infront of my computer and browse the internet like my usual routine. All of a sudden, unconsciously I was already about to finish writing one article for Triond.

I submitted it upon finishing then went back to my usual daily house routine. At night, before going to bed I decided to check on my submitted article out of curiosity. Upon checking, I was really shocked and delighted to see that after just a few hours there were already number of views and comments too. I was really surprised to see real people commenting and appreciating my post. 

Right there and then I was convinced about the beauty of Triond. My excitement did not end there because just a day after submission of my article I was so thrilled to see that I was credited for my work. I was actually being paid! Payment may not be as big as my husband’s income but I think for a stay home mom who spends only 1-2 hours infront of her computer making atleast one article per day, it should be fair enough. Don’t you think so? Luckily, I can still do my job as a wife and mother to my family while earning money.

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