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Is It Really Safe to Use Artificial Contraceptives?

Tuesday, December 27, 2011 , Posted by Yvhes P. at 11:52 PM

There are lots of questions arising through the years about the effectiveness of artificial contraceptives. But are they really effective and most importantly safe?

Use of artificial contraceptives has been a national issue in my country for years already. There was even a bill passed on Congress to ensure universal access to information on birth control. The bill is called RH Bill or Reproductive Health Bill. Up to date, it is still being deliberated and serious debates for and against the bill are happening. The society is still divided with the issue on RH bill. There were even some surveys conducted by various institutions that would show general public were in favor of the bill. Most government officials including country's highest executive, President Ninoy Aquino lll support the bill, however the Catholic Church is against it because they strongly believe that artificial contraceptives could possibly lead to lewdness and that every unborn child has a right to live. They pointed out that use of artificial contraceptives would be against Natural Moral Law.

If you ask me what my stand on this matter, I definitely support the use of artificial contraceptives because this way human population growth is definitely controlled. Through the use of contraceptives poor families that cannot afford to have many children will definitely benefit from this birth control pills. Abortion will also be avoided especially for those who are not yet ready to be impregnated. There are rampant cases of abortion in my country because of irresponsible sex. I strongly believe that proper sex education and awareness on the proper use of artificial contraceptives are key to a better community.

If there are positive effects on the use of contraceptives there are also disadvantages based on my personal experience. After giving birth with my first child my doctor introduced me to family planning. Family planning is being supported mostly by Obstetricians/Gynecologists here in my country so expect family planning discussion with them after birth. I was introduced to depo first. Depot shot is applied in the form of intramuscular injection. The medicine must be injected every three months or four times a year. It was proven really effective to avoid pregnancy but just after two shots within six months of being injected with it I noticed its negative effects on me. Since I started using depo I was having palpitations and anxiety attack. 

After experiencing all these side effects I decided to consult my OB/Gyne, right there and then she asked me to stop using it, instead she gave me another option which is the use of birth control pills. Unfortunately, the side effects was just the same with depo. I was always anxious and palpitating so as expected I was asked to stop using birth control pills. My last option was IUD or Intrauterine device but I personally declined with the procedure. I was not just comfortable with the idea of an object being placed in my uterus. I just thought there were still some other natural options to promote family planning without the risks of negative side effects. Some of the options that I believe are safe and has no side effects are withdrawal and the use of condom.
I have nothing against depo, birth control pills and IUD since I even made it clear that I support artificial contraceptives but I think it's just a matter of what really works for your body. What contraceptives has no negative side effects on you. I believe our health should be put into consideration in choosing the right and effective contraceptives for us. How about you? What is your stand on artificial contraceptives? What method are you using? Is it really safe? What are the side effects on you? Please feel free to share with us your point of views on the topic.

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